Results for 'N. Y. Oguz'

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  1. Autonomy: cutting the Gordian knot.N. Y. Oguz - 2002 - Bioethics Examiner 6 (1):1-3.
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    The physician and prison hunger strikes: reflecting on the experience in Turkey.N. Y. Oguz - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (3):169-172.
    The medical ethics of a physician’s relationship with a prisoner who is participating in a collective hunger strike has become a major public, professional, and governmental concern in The Republic of Turkey. This article examines the Turkish experience and debate about physician ethics during prison hunger strikes. It is hoped that this analysis will be of use to those formulating policy in similar situations.
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    Critique of the "tragic case" method in ethics education.J. Liaschenko, N. Y. Oguz & D. Brunnquell - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (11):672-677.
    It is time for the noon conference. Your job is to impart a career-changing experience in ethics to a group of students and interns gathered from four different schools with varying curriculums in ethics. They have just finished 1½ h of didactic sessions and lunch. One third of them were on call last night. Your first job is to keep them awake. The authors argue that this “tragic case” approach to ethics education is of limited value because it limits understanding (...)
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  4. Murat Ak. Şair ve Peygamber Naʻt Geleneğinde Hz. Peygamber İmgesi. İstanbul: KETEBE Yayınları / Publishing, 2018.Oğuz Yılmaz - 2019 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 52:341-346.
    Edebî türler bağlamında Hz. Peygamber; doğumu (mevlid), mucizeleri (mi ʻ râciyye), fazileti (fazîletnâme), risâleti (bi’setnâme), savaşları (gazavât), sözleri (kırk, yüz, bin hadîs), fizikî ve ahlakî yönleriyle şemâili (şemâil, hilye), isimleri-sıfatları (esmâ-i nebî, evsâf-ı nebî), nesebi (neseb-i şerîf), vefatı (vefât-ı nebî) kısacası hayatının (siyer/sîre) tüm yönleri mensûr, manzûm, manzûm-mensûr gibi tarzlarla çeşitli şekillerde ele alınmıştır. Bunların dışında ilk dönem ürünlerinden itibaren Türk İslam Edebiyatında O’nu övmek maksadıyla hemen her şair tarafından kaleme alınan na ʻ tların nitelik ve nicelik itibariyle Hz. Peygamber (...)
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    Osmanlı Devleti ile Sırbistan Prensliği - Karadağ Arasındaki Savaşlar Sırasında Görülen Eşkıyalık Faaliyetleri (1875-1877). [REVIEW]Yaşar Arslanyürek & Oğuz Alpoğlu - 2023 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 18 (2):308-327.
    Bu araştırmanın esas amacı 1875-1877 yılları arasında meydana gelen Osmanlı-Sırp, Karadağ Savaşları esnasında bölgede yaşanan eşkıyalık faaliyetlerine tarihsel bir bakış açısı ile yaklaşmaktır. Çalışmada gerek 1875 Hersek Ayaklanması, gerekse 1876’da Bulgaristan’da Müslüman Türkler aleyhine Rusların kışkırtmaları neticesinde meydana gelen bazı eşkıyalık olayları ele alındı. Bu olaylar neticesinde ortaya çıkan konjonktürde Avrupalı devletler, Osmanlı Devleti karşısında Sırbistan ve Karadağ’ın bağımsızlık süreçlerini desteklediler. Bu dönemde Sırbistan ve Karadağ Osmanlı Devleti karşısında bazı konularda Avrupalı devletlerle birlikte hareket etti. Yaşanan olaylar sonucunda önce Sırbistan, (...)
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    Cajal beyond the brain: Don Santiago contemplates the mind and its education: 20 essays of Santiago Ramón y Cajal, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.Santiago Ramón Y. Cajal - 2015 - Indianapolis, IN: Corpus Callosum. Edited by Lazaros Constantinos Triarhou.
    This compilation brings together 20 essays of Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934), the neuroscientist par excellence and 1906 Nobel Laureate in Medicine, on topics beyond neuroanatomy, most appearing in English for the first time. The annotated collection makes available in one handy volume Cajal's ideas on psychology, art and education, still current and still relevant, derived from his books La Psicología de los Artistas, Charlas de Café, El Mundo Visto a los Ochenta Años, Pensamientos Pedagógicos and Escritos Inéditos. An acute (...)
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  7. Concepto y misión de la filosofía jurídica.Eustaquio Galán Y. Gutiérrez - 1944 - Madrid: Editorial Revista de derecho privato.
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  8. La filosofía del derecho de Emil Lask en relación con el pensamiento contemporáneo y con el clásico..Eustaquio Galán Y. Gutiérrez - 1944 - Madrid,: "Instituto editorial Reus,".
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  9. La ontología de Ortega y Gasset.Alfonso Cobián Y. Macchiavello - 1960 - Lima,:
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  10. A remark on the delta operation and the Kripke sheaf semantics in super-intuitionistic predicate logics'.N. Y. Suzuki - 1996 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 25 (1):21-28.
  11.  23
    Gadfly or praying mantis? Three philosophical perspectives on the Delhi student protests.N. Y. Manoj, Joff P. N. Bradley & Alex Taek-Gwang Lee - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (6):685-695.
    Here presented are three singular, philosophical perspectives on the Delhi student protests which took place in 2019 and 2020, before the coronavirus pandemic. The writers hail from India, England...
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  12. (1 other version)Historia del derecho natural y de gentes.Joaquín Marín Y. Mendoza - 1950 - Madrid,: Insituto de Estudio de Estudios Políticos.
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    Doctrinal de antropología.Nicolás Salmerón Y. Alonso - 2009 - Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Edited by Antonio Heredia Soriano.
    En 1868, impulsado por el krausismo, se introdujo en el Bachillerato español una nueva asignatura, la Antropología. Nicolás Salmerón que no fue ajeno a la novedad, comenzó a escribir un texto para ella sobre la base de las explicaciones de clase que él mismo impartía en su Colegio Internacional. Ese texto dio lugar al libro que nos ocupa que, aunque inédito e incompleto, permite ofrecer una visión filosófica más completa de su etapa juvenil. Su mérito estriba en haber articulado en (...)
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    Increasing Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks Using GA-ANFIS to Choose a Cluster Head and Assess Routing and Weighted Trusts to Demodulate Attacker Nodes.Shaymaa Al Hayali, Javad Rahebi, Osman N. Ucan & Oguz Bayat - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (4):1227-1246.
    Demodulating harmful nodes and diminishing the energy waste in sensor nodes can prolong the lifespan of wireless sensor networks. In this study, a genetic algorithm and an adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system were used to diminish the energy waste of sensors. Weighted trust evaluation was applied to search for harmful nodes in the network to prolong the lifespan of WSNs. A low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy method was used to analyze the results. It was discovered that searching for harmful nodes with (...)
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    Retroactive effect and degree of similarity.N. Y. Cheng - 1929 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 12 (5):444.
  16. Los tipos fundamentales del pensamiento jurídico a la luz de la "Perennis Philosophia".Eustaquio Galán Y. Gutiérrez - 1955 - Madrid,: Instituto Editorial Reus.
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  17. v. 1. Sobre moral y la cuestión social.SeleccióN Y. Estudio Introductorio de Miguel Andreoli - 2008 - In Carlos Vaz Ferreira, Textos de Carlos Vaz Ferreira. Montevideo, Uruguay: Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de la República.
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    Reviewed Work(s): Lowness properties and randomness. Advances in Mathematics, vol. 197 by André Nies; Lowness for the class of Schnorr random reals. SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 35 by Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen; André Nies; Frank Stephan; Lowness for Kurtz randomness. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 74 by Noam Greenberg; Joseph S. Miller; Randomness and lowness notions via open covers. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, vol. 163 by Laurent Bienvenu; Joseph S. Miller; Relativizations of randomness and genericity notions. The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, vol. 43 by Johanna N. Y. Franklin; Frank Stephan; Liang Yu; Randomness notions and partial relativization. Israel Journal of Mathematics, vol. 191 by George Barmpalias; Joseph S. Miller; André Nies. [REVIEW]Johanna N. Y. Franklin - forthcoming - Association for Symbolic Logic: The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.
    Review by: Johanna N. Y. Franklin The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, Volume 19, Issue 1, Page 115-118, March 2013.
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    Determinants of cognitive variability.Sangeet S. Khemlani, N. Y. Louis Lee & Monica Bucciarelli - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):37.
    Henrich et al. address how culture leads to cognitive variability and recommend that researchers be critical about the samples they investigate. However, there are other sources of variability, such as individual strategies in reasoning and the content and context on which processes operate. Because strategy and content drive variability, those factors are of primary interest, while culture is merely incidental.
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    Is it time? Episodic imagining and the discounting of delayed and probabilistic rewards in young and older adults.Jenkin N. Y. Mok, Donna Kwan, Leonard Green, Joel Myerson, Carl F. Craver & R. Shayna Rosenbaum - 2020 - Cognition 199 (C):104222.
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  21. De la reacción a la afirmación: hacia una epistemología feminista.Natalia Magnone Alemán Y. Valeria Grabino Etorena - 2018 - In Emilia Calisto Echeveste, Trashumancias: búsquedas teóricas feministas sobre cuerpo y sexualidad. Montevideo, Uruguay: Universidad de la República, Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica.
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  22. Determinants of cognitive variability.Sangeet S. Khemlani, N. Y. Louis Lee & Monica Bucciarelli - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):97-98.
    Henrich et al. address how culture leads to cognitive variability and recommend that researchers be critical about the samples they investigate. However, there are other sources of variability, such as individual strategies in reasoning and the content and context on which processes operate. Because strategy and content drive variability, those factors are of primary interest, while culture is merely incidental.
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    André Nies. Lowness properties and randomness. Advances in Mathematics, vol. 197 , no. 1, pp. 274–305. - Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen, André Nies, and Frank Stephan. Lowness for the class of Schnorr random reals. SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 35 , no. 3, pp. 647–657. - Noam Greenberg and Joseph S. Miller. Lowness for Kurtz randomness. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 74 , no. 2, pp. 665–678. - Laurent Bienvenu and Joseph S. Miller. Randomness and lowness notions via open covers. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, vol. 163 , no. 5, pp. 506–518. - Johanna N. Y. Franklin, Frank Stephan, and Liang. Yu Relativizations of randomness and genericity notions. The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, vol. 43 , no. 4, pp. 721–733. - George Barmpalias, Joseph S. Miller, and André Nies. Randomness notions and partial relativization. Israel Journal of Mathematics, vol. 191 , no. 2, pp. 791–816. [REVIEW]Johanna N. Y. Franklin - 2013 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19 (1):115-118.
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  24. Knowledge Systems Group Basser Department of Computer Science University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia.S. Sevinc & N. Y. Foo - forthcoming - Ai, Simulation and Planning in High Automony Systems: Proceedings, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, March 26-27, 1990.
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  25. v. 3. Sobre arte y estética.SeleccióN Y. Estudio Introductorio de Juan Fló - 2008 - In Carlos Vaz Ferreira, Textos de Carlos Vaz Ferreira. Montevideo, Uruguay: Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de la República.
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  26. Una ecología política de las transformaciones territoriales en Chile : poder y gobernanza en los sectores forestal y salmonero.Álvaro Román Y. Jonathan R. Barton - 2104 - In Beatriz Bustos, Ecología política en Chile: naturaleza, propiedad, conocimiento y poder. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Universitaria.
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    ’Jumping to conclusions’ data-gathering bias in psychosis and other psychiatric disorders - Two meta-analyses of comparisons between patients and healthy individuals.S. H. So, N. Y. Siu, H. L. Wong, W. Chan & P. A. Garety - 2016 - Clinical Psychology Review 46:151–67.
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    Cajal and consciousness: scientific approaches to consciousness on the centennial of Ramón y Cajal's Textura.Pedro C. Marijuán & Santiago Ramón Y. Cajal (eds.) - 2001 - New York: New York Academy of Sciences.
    Machine generated contents note: Cajal and Consciousness: Introduction. By PEDRO C. MARIJUAN1 -- Part I. Consciousness, One Hundred Years after Textura -- Progress in the Neural Sciences in the Century after Cajal (and the Mysteries -- That Remain). By THOMAS D. ALBRIGHT, THOMAS M. JESSELL, -- ERIC R. KANDEL, AND MICHAEL I. POSNER11 -- Part II. Biological Complexity and the Emergence of Consciousness -- Consciousness, Reduction, and Emergence: Some Remarks. -- By MURRAY GELL-MANN41 -- The Epistemic Paradox of Mind and (...)
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    Schnorr trivial sets and truth-table reducibility.Johanna N. Y. Franklin & Frank Stephan - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (2):501-521.
    We give several characterizations of Schnorr trivial sets, including a new lowness notion for Schnorr triviality based on truth-table reducibility. These characterizations allow us to see not only that some natural classes of sets, including maximal sets, are composed entirely of Schnorr trivials, but also that the Schnorr trivial sets form an ideal in the truth-table degrees but not the weak truth-table degrees. This answers a question of Downey, Griffiths and LaForte.
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    Anti-Complex Sets and Reducibilities with Tiny Use.Johanna N. Y. Franklin, Noam Greenberg, Frank Stephan & Guohua Wu - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (4):1307-1327.
  31. Subclasses of the Weakly Random Reals.Johanna N. Y. Franklin - 2010 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 51 (4):417-426.
    The weakly random reals contain not only the Schnorr random reals as a subclass but also the weakly 1-generic reals and therefore the n -generic reals for every n . While the class of Schnorr random reals does not overlap with any of these classes of generic reals, their degrees may. In this paper, we describe the extent to which this is possible for the Turing, weak truth-table, and truth-table degrees and then extend our analysis to the Schnorr random and (...)
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    Performance Pressure and Employee Expediency: The Role of Moral Decoupling.Julie N. Y. Zhu, Long W. Lam, Yan Liu & Ning Jiang - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (2):465-478.
    Although performance pressure has desirable consequences, there is evidence that it can produce unintended outcomes as employees tend to engage in dysfunctional and unethical behaviors to meet performance goals. Thus, the process through which employees think and behave unethically under performance pressure deserves more research attention. This study goes beyond the stress-appraisal perspective and investigates whether and when performance pressure influences individual work mindsets and behaviors from a moral reasoning perspective. Specifically, we contend that performance pressure is related to employee (...)
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    Atomic structures of dislocations in BaF2/CaF2strained multilayers.N. Y. Jin-Phillipp † & F. Phillipp - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (32):3509-3516.
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  34. Schnorr triviality and genericity.Johanna N. Y. Franklin - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (1):191-207.
    We study the connection between Schnorr triviality and genericity. We show that while no 2-generic is Turing equivalent to a Schnorr trivial and no 1-generic is tt-equivalent to a Schnorr trivial, there is a 1-generic that is Turing equivalent to a Schnorr trivial. However, every such 1-generic must be high. As a corollary, we prove that not all K-trivials are Schnorr trivial. We also use these techniques to extend a previous result and show that the bases of cones of Schnorr (...)
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  35. Van Lambalgen's Theorem and High Degrees.Johanna N. Y. Franklin & Frank Stephan - 2011 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 52 (2):173-185.
    We show that van Lambalgen's Theorem fails with respect to recursive randomness and Schnorr randomness for some real in every high degree and provide a full characterization of the Turing degrees for which van Lambalgen's Theorem can fail with respect to Kurtz randomness. However, we also show that there is a recursively random real that is not Martin-Löf random for which van Lambalgen's Theorem holds with respect to recursive randomness.
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    Lowness for isomorphism, countable ideals, and computable traceability.Johanna N. Y. Franklin & Reed Solomon - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (1):104-114.
    We show that every countable ideal of degrees that are low for isomorphism is contained in a principal ideal of degrees that are low for isomorphism by adapting an exact pair construction. We further show that within the hyperimmune free degrees, lowness for isomorphism is entirely independent of computable traceability.
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    Ω-change randomness and weak Demuth randomness.Johanna N. Y. Franklin & Keng Meng Ng - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (3):776-791.
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  38. Hyperimmune-free degrees and Schnorr triviality.Johanna N. Y. Franklin - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (3):999-1008.
    We investigate the relationship between lowness for Schnorr randomness and Schnorr triviality. We show that a real is low for Schnorr randomness if and only if it is Schnorr trivial and hyperimmune free.
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  39. Chapter I the late Roman empire from the antonines to Constantine.Louis Wilken & N. Y. Crestwood - 2010 - In Lloyd P. Gerson, The Cambridge history of philosophy in late antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 2--983.
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  40. v. 2. Sobre filosofía teórica.SeleccióN Y. Estudio Introductorio de Carlos Enrique Caorsi - 2008 - In Carlos Vaz Ferreira, Textos de Carlos Vaz Ferreira. Montevideo, Uruguay: Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de la República.
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  41. Pensar.Carmen Revilla Guzmán Y. Stefania Fantauzzi - 2020 - In À. Lorena Fuster, Palabras clave: reflexiones para Fina Birulés. Barcelona: Icaria.
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  42. El llanto de la sirena.Sabrina Calandrón Y. Santiago Galar - 2017 - In José Garriga Zucal & Paul Hathazy, Sobre el sacrificio, el heroísmo y la violencia: aportes para comprender las lógicas de acción en las fuerzas de seguridad. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Octubre Editorial.
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    Lowness for Difference Tests.David Diamondstone & Johanna N. Y. Franklin - 2014 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 55 (1):63-73.
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    Doing It Purposely? Mediation of Moral Disengagement in the Relationship Between Illegitimate Tasks and Counterproductive Work Behavior.Lijing Zhao, Long W. Lam, Julie N. Y. Zhu & Shuming Zhao - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (3):733-747.
    Employees perceive illegitimate tasks as inappropriate assignments because such tasks are beyond what they expect to do in any given job position. Extant literature indicates that, in addition to creating psychological strain and reducing well-being, illegitimate task assignments can result in counterproductive work behavior. This study extends the literature by examining whether illegitimate tasks may lead to two specific forms of CWB targeting organizations: destructive voice and time theft. To understand how and when this happens, we investigate the mediating role (...)
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  45. Degrees of Categoricity and the Hyperarithmetic Hierarchy.Barbara F. Csima, Johanna N. Y. Franklin & Richard A. Shore - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (2):215-231.
    We study arithmetic and hyperarithmetic degrees of categoricity. We extend a result of E. Fokina, I. Kalimullin, and R. Miller to show that for every computable ordinal $\alpha$, $\mathbf{0}^{}$ is the degree of categoricity of some computable structure $\mathcal{A}$. We show additionally that for $\alpha$ a computable successor ordinal, every degree $2$-c.e. in and above $\mathbf{0}^{}$ is a degree of categoricity. We further prove that every degree of categoricity is hyperarithmetic and show that the index set of structures with degrees (...)
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  46. The psychological puzzle of Sudoku.P. N. Johnson-Laird, Geoffrey P. Goodwin & N. Y. Louis Lee - 2008 - Thinking and Reasoning 14 (4):342-364.
    Sudoku puzzles, which are popular worldwide, require individuals to infer the missing digits in a 9 9 array according to the general rule that every digit from 1 to 9 must occur once in each row, in each column, and in each of the 3-by-3 boxes in the array. We present a theory of how individuals solve these puzzles. It postulates that they rely solely on pure deductions, and that they spontaneously acquire various deductive tactics, which differ in their difficulty (...)
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    Introduction to the special issue on dissent.Joff P. N. Bradley, Alex Taek-Gwang Lee & Manoj N. Y. - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (5):558-561.
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    Schnorr trivial reals: a construction. [REVIEW]Johanna N. Y. Franklin - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (7-8):665-678.
    A real is Martin-Löf (Schnorr) random if it does not belong to any effectively presented null ${\Sigma^0_1}$ (recursive) class of reals. Although these randomness notions are very closely related, the set of Turing degrees containing reals that are K-trivial has very different properties from the set of Turing degrees that are Schnorr trivial. Nies proved in (Adv Math 197(1):274–305, 2005) that all K-trivial reals are low. In this paper, we prove that if ${{\bf h'} \geq_T {\bf 0''}}$ , then h (...)
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    Hegel, Identity, and the Middle Path.Avenue South, City Garden & N. Y. Email: - 2015 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2015 (1).
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    Student–Teacher Relationship: Its Measurement and Effect on Students’ Trait, Performance, and Wellbeing in Private College.Li Ying Bai, Zi Ying Li, Wen xin Wu, Li yue Liu, Shao Ping Chen, Jing Zhang & Julie N. Y. Zhu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Student–teacher relationships have been examined by many studies. However, an omission still exists, the existing scales are not appropriate for studying STRs in private colleges because of the special character of these schools. This paper presents the development and validation of Private-College Student–Teacher Relationship Scale, the first instrument to evaluate student–teacher relationships in private colleges. The PCSTRS has six dimensions: trust, interaction, intimacy, care, approval, and comfort. In our main study, the validity and reliability of the six-factor PCSTRS model were (...)
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